LUSH Fresh Handmade Cosmetics
OATIFIX Fresh Face Mask
bananas + vanilla + ground almonds + oats
Last post, I talked about my lip hydration problem.
Well, I have had to deal with another pressing issue at the same time:
I have combination skin, which means I have an oily T-zone and normal skin everywhere else on my face.
When I got to Michigan, I had very dry skin everywhere.
The good thing is that my T-zone stopped being oily. But my cheeks and the sides of my nose had visibly flaky skin.
It was difficult to put foundation on, even if I buff it like crazy.
I even stopped wearing powder and got a new moisturizer.
One day, as I was going through the mall, I decided to drop by LUSH just for kicks.
Customer service is pretty awesome and the guy who helped me chose two of the fresh face masks to chose from.
It was between the oatmeal and the seaweed. The later was itchy on my skin. So, I took home the oatmeal one.
The Fresh Face Masks comes in a small tub. This is because you need to consume within a limited amount of time only, so they don't give you too much that you can't use them all.
They also need to be kept in the fridge so that they won't spoil.
OATIFIX Fresh Face Mask doesn't look the best, but most mud masks don't.
At least, it smells better if you like banana + oat smells.
I've had this for a few days and I've already used a lot.
I don't doubt that it'll be gone way before the expiration date!
After cleansing your face with your fave face products,
pack this on your skin. Lather on as much as you want.
I gave up trying to put on an even layer long ago so I usually end up with the picture above.
It looks gooey, but it feels quite solid.
Wait at most 10 minutes or until it dries, and then, wash it off with warm water.
I don't scrub it in at all. Instead, I gently let it slip and slide off my face.
Afterwards, my skin always feels energized and smooth to the touch.
My face doesn't feel and look dry.
To seal in all that goodness, follow up with your fave moisturizer.
LUSH Oatfix has been part of my night time routine.
I usually apply it some time after I remove my make-up, and when I'm getting ready for bed.
There's nothing like the feeling of hydrated skin when going to bed.
xo, Pau