I hope everyone is having a fun day!
In celebration of my name-day (GoT reference ;) ), I thought I'd share someone very special with you.
Meet my cat, MouseFace!
In celebration of my name-day (GoT reference ;) ), I thought I'd share someone very special with you.
Meet my cat, MouseFace!
We thought we couldn't have a pet because we live in such a tiny apartment.
But this little alley cat kept sneaking into the house to ask for food.
She and her sister had wondered into our alley a few months after they were born.
MouseFace is such a smart little kitty. She had managed to survive early childhood in the streets.
She used to fight against other cats for a morsel of food.

Soon, MouseFace's presence in our house became more regular.
All the other cats, including MouseFace's sister (UglyFace), would run away if you came too close. NOT MOUSEFACE!
She would rub her head on our ankles and even fake-bite us if we were too busy to pet her.
Eventually, we decided that MouseFace should just come live with us.
I had my share of obstacles and have learned to reward perseverance.
I have been rejected in the past and thought that this cat was 1) smart enough to pick our house (who could actually afford a pet if we wanted to, plus, we didn't have kids), and 2) she was brave enough to keep coming back.
I have been rejected in the past and thought that this cat was 1) smart enough to pick our house (who could actually afford a pet if we wanted to, plus, we didn't have kids), and 2) she was brave enough to keep coming back.
MouseFace was what we called her to separate her from the other cats.
One day, I called out that name and she came scampering through the door.
That's when I knew that she was ours.
One day, I called out that name and she came scampering through the door.
That's when I knew that she was ours.
Sometimes, life would deal you a hand you weren't expecting.
Weight your options: sometimes, it may be best to welcome it with open arms.
And, always hope for the best.
xo, Pau
And, always hope for the best.
xo, Pau