I'm one of those readers who could lose themselves in several books at one time.
As a result, I also keep losing my page on a book I'm reading.
I don't dog-ear my books ever so bookmarks are a must!
It's just that I don't use magnetic bookmarks or anything thicker than paper as I feel like it'd ruin the book.
Unfortunately, I keep losing the flimsy paper-thin bookmarks. They just don't work for me.
I came up with a brilliant solution for my problem:
I found this little hamster ceramic container in a Japanese surplus shop for cheaps.
Look at those adorable hamsters!!!
The back of the ceramic container has the back of the hamsters' heads. LOVE!
Even the bottom of the ceramic container has the hamster print in it! ADORBS! :3
I think this is a paperclip holder of sorts. I suggest choosing a cute little container to keep all your post-its in. That's for no good reason really.
Choose tab post-its that were meant to be tabs on books.
You can use bigger ones, of course. That'd be handy if you want to write stuff on it as well.
You can stick two post-it pads together. Or, flip the last post-it and stick at the back.
You can stick it at the top or at the sides.
Sometimes I do both if I want to mark a good line.
I'm thinking if I do this for my Terry Pratchett books. But it'd be full of post-its.
So, if you're a hoarder of cute post-its, make use of them as bookmarks!
Hope you enjoy!
xo, Pau